
Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin (°F to K) Converter

Please choose values below to convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin (°F to K). Calculator.


Fahrenheit and Kelvin are two different temperature scales. Fahrenheit is primarily used in the United States and some other parts of the world, while Kelvin is used as the standard international unit of temperature measurement.

Fahrenheit is based on a scale where the freezing point of water is 32 degrees and the boiling point of water is 212 degrees, both measured at standard atmospheric pressure. The Fahrenheit scale is named after its creator, German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.

Kelvin, on the other hand, is based on the absolute zero point, which is the theoretical point at which all particles stop moving. Absolute zero is defined as 0 Kelvin, which is equal to -273.15 degrees Celsius. Therefore, Kelvin is a scale that measures temperature relative to absolute zero.

Conversion table for Fahrenheit to Celsius to Kelvin

Fahrenheit °FCelsius °CKelvin K

Note that the Fahrenheit scale has a different zero point than the Celsius and Kelvin scales, which is why the Kelvin values are higher than the Celsius values for the same temperature. The conversion formula from Fahrenheit to Kelvin takes into account this difference and provides an accurate conversion between the two scales.

How to convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin?

To convert a temperature value from Fahrenheit to Kelvin, you need to use a conversion formula that takes into account the differences between the two scales. The formula is:

Kelvin = (Fahrenheit - 32) x 5/9 + 273.15

This formula first subtracts 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature to get the temperature value in Celsius, and then multiplies it by 5/9 to convert it to Kelvin.

For example, if the temperature in Fahrenheit is 68 degrees, we can convert it to Kelvin using the formula as follows:

Kelvin = (68 - 32) x 5/9 + 273.15
Kelvin = 20 x 5/9 + 273.15
Kelvin = 293.15

Therefore, the temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 293.15 Kelvin.

In summary, Fahrenheit and Kelvin are two different temperature scales, with Fahrenheit measuring temperature relative to the freezing and boiling points of water, while Kelvin measures temperature relative to absolute zero. To convert a temperature value from Fahrenheit to Kelvin, you can use the conversion formula provided above.

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