
Cubic meters to square meters Calculator m3 to m2

How to convert cubic meter to square meters? Cubic meter to square meter converter online.

1 m = 1000 mm; 1 cm = 10 mm
Is cubic meter and square meter the same? Cubic meter and square meter difference. Converting m3 to m2 is not easy because cubic meters represent volume (3D space) and square meters represent area (2D space). If you want to convert m3 to m2, you need to know the height or depth of the object or space you are measuring.

How to work out cubic meters to square meters?

Examples. Going from cubic meters to square meters. If you want to buy a cubic meter of sand, gravel, tarmac etc. to cover a specific area. The you have to calculate the thickness of the product that you want to apply.
Convert cubic meters to square meters formula. If you want a 2 cm thick layer of tarmac? your cubic meter would cover 50 square metres. 100/2 = 50 m².
If you wanted to lay a 4 cm thick tarmac layer your cubic meter would only cover 25 square metres. 100/4 = 25 m².

To do this conversion, you'll need information about the height or width of the object whose surface area you want to find.
An example. If for the floor (board, tile, etc.) it is the height, if for the walls (brick, block) it is the area, if you use plasterboard for the walls or ceiling, it is the height of the laid board.

If you have 2 cubic meters of roofing and want to know what area will be covered by the roof if the roofing is 100 mm (0.10 m or 10 cm) thick, the area will be 2/0.10 = 20 m².

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