
Kilometers per hour to miles per hour Speed Converter

Please choose values below to convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour (kph to mph). Calculator.
Kilometers per hour (km/h) is a unit of speed commonly used to measure the speed of objects in motion relative to a stationary observer. One kilometer per hour is equal to the distance of one kilometer traveled in one hour.
Kilometers per hour versus miles per hour calculator
To better understand what this means, imagine you are driving a car and you cover a distance of 100 kilometers in one hour. Your average speed would then be 100 km/h. This means that if you were to maintain this speed for another hour, you would cover a total distance of 200 kilometers.

One advantage of using kilometers per hour as a unit of speed is that it is easy to convert to other units of speed, such as meters per second or miles per hour, using simple conversion factors. For example, 1 kmh is equal is equal to 0.621371192 mph.

Table. Kilometers per hour (km/h) to miles per hour (mph) conversions:

Kilometers (km/h)Miles (mph)
1 km/h to mph0.62 mph
2 km/h to mph1.24 mph
5 km/h to mph3.11 mph
10 km/h to mph6.21 mph
15 km/h to mph9.32 mph
25 km/h to mph15.53 mph
35 km/h to mph21.75 mph
50 km/h to mph31.07 mph
60 km/h to mph37.28 mph
90 km/h to mph55.92 mph
110 km/h to mph68.35 mph
130 km/h to mph80.78 mph
180km/h to mph111.85 mph

How to convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour?

To convert kilometers per hour (km/h) to miles per hour (mph), you can use the following conversion formula:

mph = km/h ÷ 1.609344

Divide the speed in kilometers per hour by 1.609344 to get the equivalent speed in miles per hour.

For example, let's say you want to convert a speed of 60 km/h to miles per hour:

mph = 60 ÷ 1.609344
mph = 37.28227153

So, 60 kilometers per hour is equivalent to approximately 37.28 miles per hour.

70 km to miles per hour
100 kph to mph = 62.13
120 kph to mph = 74.56
140 kph to mph = 86.99
200 kph to mph = 124.27
300 kph to mph = 186.41
400 kilometers to miles per hour

Note that 1.609344 is the conversion factor used to convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour. It represents the number of kilometers in one mile, which is approximately 1.609344 kilometers.

Or you can use the following conversion formula:

To convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour, simply multiply the speed in km/h by 0.621371. For example, if you are traveling at a speed of 80 km/h, the equivalent speed in miles per hour would be 49.7097 mph (80 km/h x 0.621371 = 49.71 mph).

Kilometers per hour is often used in countries that use the metric system for measurement, such as most countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia. It is also used in scientific contexts, such as in physics and engineering.

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