
Miles per hour to kilometers per hour Speed Converter

Please choose values below to convert miles per hour to kilometers per hour (mph to kph). Calculator.


Miles per hour (mph) and kilometers per hour (km/h) are both units of speed or velocity, which measure the rate at which an object is moving through space.

Miles per hour is a unit of speed commonly used in the United States and some other countries that still use the imperial system of measurement. It is defined as the distance traveled in one hour by an object moving at a constant speed of one mile per hour. One mile is equal to 1.60934 kilometers.

Kilometers per hour, on the other hand, is the standard unit of speed used in most of the world, including Europe, Asia, and Australia. It is defined as the distance traveled in one hour by an object moving at a constant speed of one kilometer per hour. One kilometer is equal to 0.62137 miles.

Conversion table (mph to kmh) 

Conversion for miles per hour (mph) to kilometers per hour (km/h) for common speeds:

Miles per hour to km. Calculator

How to miles per hour to kilometers per hour?

To convert miles per hour (mph) to kilometers per hour (km/h), you can use the following formula:

km/h = mph x 1.60934

This formula is based on the conversion factor that one mile is equal to 1.60934 kilometers. So, to convert any speed from mph to km/h, you simply need to multiply the speed in miles per hour by 1.60934.

For example, let's say you want to convert a speed of 60 mph to km/h. Using the formula above, you would multiply 60 by 1.60934, which gives you a result of 96.56 km/h.

Similarly, if you have a speed of 40 mph and want to convert it to km/h, you would multiply 40 by 1.60934, which gives you a result of 64.37 km/h.

3 mph to kmh = 4.83
17 mph to kmh = 27.36
110 mph to kmh = 177.03
180 mph to kmh = 290
200 mph to kmh = 322

To convert miles per hour to kilometers per hour, you can use the conversion factor of 1.60934. To do this, simply multiply the speed in miles per hour by 1.60934 to get the speed in kilometers per hour.

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