
Convert cups to milliliters Calculator cups to ml

Converting from cups to milliliters. Please choose values below to convert cups (cups) to milliliters (ml). Convert cups to ml calculator.

How to calculate cups to ml?

The metric cup is defined as 250 milliliters. 1 US legal cup to ml = 240 ml. One United States customary cup is equal to 236.5882365 milliliters as well as 1/16 US customary gallons, 8 US customary fluid ounces, 16 US customary tablespoons, or 48 US customary teaspoons.
cups to ml converter uk, convert us cups to milliliters calculator

Cups to milliliters conversion table

CupsUS legal (ml)UK (ml)Metric (ml)
0.125 or 1/8 cup to ml30 ml35 ml31 ml
0.167 or 1/6 cup to ml40 ml47 ml42 ml
0.25 or 1/4 cup to ml60 ml71 ml62 ml
0.33 or 1/3 cup to ml80 ml94 ml83 ml
0.5 or 1/2 cup to ml120 ml142 ml125 ml
0.625 or 5/8 cup to ml150 ml177 ml156 ml
0.667 or 2/3 cup to ml160 ml189 ml166 ml
0.75 or 3/4 cup to ml180 ml213 ml188 ml
0.875 or 7/8 cup to ml210 ml248 ml219 ml
1 cup to ml240 ml284 ml250 ml
1.5 or 1 1/2 cups to ml360 ml426 ml375 ml
2 cups to ml480 ml568 ml500 ml
4 cups to ml960 ml1136 ml1 liter

You can use this table to convert measurements between cups and milliliters. Although the difference is slight, keep in mind that recipes from the UK have different measurements for cups. 1 UK cup to ml = 284.13 ml

How to convert cups to ml formula?

Convert cups to milliliters. To get 1 cup in ml we have to multiply the volume in cups by the cup size in milliliters. Formula to convert cups to ml. The 1 cup to ml formula is (ml) = 1 x cup size.

1 US customary cup to ml = 236.59 ml
1 US legal cup to ml = 240 ml
1 Metric cup to ml = 250 ml
1 Canadian cup to ml = 227.3 ml
1 Imperial (UK) cup to ml = 284.13 ml

Note that these results for 1 cup in ml have been rounded to two decimal places. The cups to milliliters tool shows you the actual conversion that is suitable for your particular recipe.

This conversion is practical when using kitchen tools that measure in milliliters or when dealing with recipes that provide measurements in different units. It helps ensure accuracy and consistency in cooking or baking, especially when dealing with precise ratios of ingredients.

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