How to convert milliliters to cup? Please choose values below to convert milliliters (ml) to cups (cups). Conversion calculator milliliters to cup.
Convert cups to milliliters Calculator
How many milliliters does it take to make a cup?
One milliliter is only 1/236.59 = (0.004226) of a US cup, and 237 ml equals one US cup or 284 ml. equals one UK cup or 227 ml. equals one Canadian cup or 250 ml. equals one metric cup. You might find it useful to know that half of 119 ml. equals a US cup.
Milliliters to cups conversion table
Milliliters | US legal cups |
30 ml to cup | 1/8 cup |
40 ml to cup | 1/6 cup |
60 ml to cup | 1/4 cup |
80 ml to cup | 1/3 cup |
120 ml to cup | 1/2 cup |
150 ml to cup | 5/8 cup |
160 ml to cup | 2/3 cup |
180 ml to cup | 3/4 cup |
210 ml to cup | 7/8 cup |
240 ml to cup | 1 cup |
360 ml to cup | 1 1/2 cup |
480 ml to cup | 2 cups |
960 ml to cup | 4 cups |
How to convert milliliters to cups formula?
To convert milliliters to cups, you can take the number of milliliters and divide by 237 ml. So 150 ml divided by 237 approximately equals 2/3 cup. Formula to convert milliliters to cups. The 1 ml to cup formula is (ml) = 1 / cup size.
1 ml is equal to 0.00422675295 US cup.
1 ml is equal to 0,00416667 US legal cup.
1 ml is equal to 0.00400000 Metric cup.
1 ml is equal to 0.00439947 Canadian cup.
1 ml is equal to 0.00351952 imperial (UK) cup.
One cup is equivalent to approximately 237 milliliters. It's worth noting that the exact conversion may vary slightly depending on the country or region, but 237 ml is a commonly used conversion in the United States of America. If you need a more precise conversion for a specific purpose, you may want to consult the measurement standards in your area.
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